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My Struggle With Selfies

Elise Louise

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

I’ve been putting off updating my website for MONTHS. I knew it had to be done but I felt icky about it! Not because of the technical side of it or the time it will take. Neither of which wasn't particularly exciting but that wasn’t it...

It was because I decided to put my own face on my website. I’m not a selfie taker and having my own face plastered all over my website was something I REALLY struggled with. Because it meant stepping into the role of being the face of my business. No more hiding behind my logo.

No more hiding!
No more hiding!

Showing The Real Me

I used to think I should act like my business is bigger than little old me. That I should pretend there are people working with me because that would make my business seem more legitimate and successful. But I’ve never had a client say to me, ‘I don’t want to work with you because you’re a solo business owner!’. That’s just my own insecurities coming out.

The reason I wanted to show myself on my website is so that clients can get to know me. I want people to be able to see who I am and what I’m all about so they can decide whether I’m right for them. Good reasons for putting up photos of myself, yet my excuses and insecurities got in the way for a long time. I no longer want to try to hide the fact that I’m a solo business owner because… I'm actually proud of it! I don't want to be embarrassed about it, I want to celebrate it.

Time To Do What We Want To Do

It made me wonder… what other excuses do I use for NOT doing the things I want to do? I know I’ve had clients say to me that they’d LOVE to have the Soft Powder Brow tattoo but they feel:

-they’re too old

-they shouldn’t spend that much money on themselves

-they’re worried what people will think

The list goes on and on. And they are all legitimate feelings to have. But so many of those feelings are based on fear about what OTHERS think. Which is always going to be out of our control.

Someone wise once said to me that ‘Everyone is judging you no matter what you do. So f*** it!” Which made me realise that if you don’t do something that you know will benefit you, you’re doing yourself a disservice. As Miss Swift would say, ‘Haters gonna hate’. So just do what you want to do.

What will you do?

If you’d like to meet me for a free consultation about the Soft Powder Brow tattoo - book in here!

You can have all your questions answered and I promise it will be a selfie free zone. :)

Elise Louise
Elise Louise

Elise Louise is the client certified 'brow wizard'. Seriously, she has the certificate her client made her to prove it.

Find her in her Melbourne salon, specialising in the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo, the Keratin Lash Lift and expert brow services.

Check out more of her blog here.


Get Your Free consultation!


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