Busy busy busy. Rush rush rushing. That’s how we feel lately right? It seems like a recent phenomenon that we’re all running around trying to get 46 things ticked off our to-do list.
And that’s on our day off.
But interestingly we spend far less time on things that used to take a REALLY long time. Have you thanked your dishwasher lately? Maybe do it just for me because I’m living without one at the moment. And going from a dishwasher to without one is not fun times, I don’t care if that is a first world problem, I’m still saying it.
Vacuums, washing machines, dryers, microwaves, automatic car washes…. They all save us a buttload of time compared to our 1950’s counterparts. And yes women are still doing more than their fair share of the housework but that’s for another blog post…
do we have more or less time?
So what are we doing with all this extra time up our sleeves? MORE THINGS. No wonder mindfulness has really taken off lately, we need reminders to Just. Stop. The. Things. And take a little more time for ourselves. For the things that really matter. And the people that we love. Because as a very wise young man once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” (If you have no idea who I’m talking about right now go ahead and treat yourself to a dated but iconic classic from the 80’s - ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’)
we need more time for what really matters
Now where were we… Yaaassss you! The one who needs more time for her precious self! And if you’re anything like how I used to be, you spend at least 5 minutes per day drawing your eyebrows on. That’s 1,825 minutes a YEAR. Time that could be better spent watching so many delightful 80’s classics. You know what it’s time for? Time to get your eyebrows tattooed. Wake up with perfect eyebrows and save those precious minutes. Because when it comes down to it, who really wants to draw their eyebrows on everyday?
"But wait, will it actually look any good? I want my brows to look natural... Can they look natural if they're TATTOOED?" I hear you lovely. If you scoot down to the bottom of this post you'll see me in my tattooed eyebrow glory. Yep that's a tattoo. I'm not wearing ANY makeup on my brows. And I have barely any eyebrow hair.
If you want to find out if eyebrows tattoos look natural check out "Do Powder Brow Tattoos Look Natural?"
save time and get your brows done
Want to find out more? Why not book in for a free consultation with yours truly?
“But what if I don’t want to go ahead with the Soft Powder eyebrow tattoo after the free consultation?” I hear you say. “Even though your Ferris Bueller recommendation was totally on point…”
That’s totally ok lovely! There is absolutely NO obligation to book in, I just love being able to provide you with the answers you need. It’s hard to find out real information about cosmetic tattooing so I love educating clients with accurate, up to date information so that they can make totally informed decisions. Whether you choose me or another lovely technician is totally up to you, I only want you to have the chance to get all your questions answered. Knowledge is everything. And you deserve to know.
Book instantly HERE for your free, no obligation consultation with Elise Louise, the Soft Powder brow tattoo specialist.

Elise Louise is the client certified 'brow wizard'. Seriously, she has the certificate her client made her to prove it.
Find her in her Melbourne salon, specialising in the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo, the Keratin Lash Lift and expert brow services.
Check out more of her blog here.