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Why Lashes Can Go Frizzy After A Lash Lift

Elise Louise

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

Did your lashes go a little wonky after a lash lift? Then you’ve come to the right place. Lash lifts can be the best thing since sliced bread for straight, sad lashes but as you’re about to find out… not all lash lifts are created equal.

A lash lift always uses a perming solution to ‘lift’ your lashes. Almost every brand uses thioglycolic acid or a derivative of this acid as it’s perming solution. Think 80’s spiral perms and that super strong chemical smell that has invaded your nostrils at hair salons. That is thioglycolic acid working it’s magic. Whilst we loved it in the 80’s, it is definitely not loved by lashes.

Normal Lashes Lifts Can Damage Lashes

Thioglycolic acid can be dehydrating and damaging when used in lash lifts. If your lashes have become frizzy after a lash lift, the perming agent used was too harsh. Only thick lashes can take these kinds of perming solutions. If your lashes are on the fine side, they will be damaged.

When strong perming agents are used, they need a very short amount of time to work. Leaving strong solutions on your lashes for too long means they will become over processed aka frizzy. Lash technicians need to judge the thickness of your lashes to work out how long to leave your perm on for. But this is a difficult thing to judge, often leading to over processed lashes.

How To Lift Lashes Without the Frizz

So what can we do to get those ‘I woke up like this’ lifted lashes of our dreams?! Without the frizzy damage? Well I’m glad you asked! The newest lash lift on the block uses the amino acid cysteine as it’s perming solution. Cysteine is super gentle and is used in hair salons to achieve soft beachy waves. Minus the harsh chemical smell and the damage of thioglycolic acid! Yaaaassss!

The Keratin Lash Lift & Tint using cysteine.

Frizzy Lashes From Bad Lash Lifts Can Be Fixed

And the even better news? If you’ve had a bad lash lift and can’t wait the 2-3 months for your lashes to grow out, you can have a cysteine lash lift IMMEDIATELY. As there is no chance of damaging your lashes with cysteine, you can have your frizzy lashes unfrizzed, fixed AND lifted. Double yaaasssss!

At the end of the lash lift, your lashes will also be treated to a power packed keratin solution. Think of this like a deep conditioning treatment for your lashes. Your lashes will be strengthened and conditioned like never before.

Want to know more about the newest and safest in lash lifting using cysteine? Find out more here.

Book in for the Keratin Lash Lift here! Receive a free Organic Lash & Brow Styling Gel with your first Keratin Lash Lift!

Elise Louise
Elise Louise

Elise Louise is the client certified 'brow wizard'. Seriously, she has the certificate her client made her to prove it.

Find her in her Melbourne salon, specialising in the Soft Powder Brow Tattoo, the Keratin Lash Lift and expert brow services.

Check out more of her blog here.


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